20231027 01 Kingsland, Indiana
20231027 01 Kingsland, Indiana Credit: davidwilson1949

ARCH, or the Architecture and Community Heritage, is a non-profit organization located in Fort Wayne, Indiana that is dedicated to preserving and promoting the city's historic architecture and neighborhoods. Founded in 1975, the organization has been instrumental in protecting many of Fort Wayne's most significant historic structures and neighborhoods from demolition and neglect.

ARCH offers a range of services to the community, including educational programs, advocacy efforts, and preservation services. One of their key programs is the ARCH Inc. Historic Homes Program, which provides financial assistance to homeowners who wish to restore their historic homes to their original condition. They also offer a variety of walking tours and educational events throughout the year, which are designed to promote an understanding and appreciation of Fort Wayne's rich architectural heritage.

In addition to their preservation efforts, ARCH is also actively involved in promoting sustainable urban development and revitalization. They believe that preserving historic architecture and neighborhoods is not only important for preserving the city's cultural heritage, but also for promoting economic growth and community revitalization.

Overall, ARCH is an important and highly respected organization in Fort Wayne that plays a vital role in preserving and promoting the city's historic architecture and neighborhoods. Their efforts have helped to make Fort Wayne a more vibrant and culturally rich community for residents and visitors alike.

ARCH is a Historical Societies, Historic Preservation in FORT WAYNE IN. US MID #8401800374

The museum is classed as HSC (Historical Societies, Historic Preservation). It comes under American Alliance of Museums (AAM) region: Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin). Total revenue from most recent IRS 990 Form: $ 206,532 from tax period 201206 (YYYYMM).

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Map of ARCH

ARCH Information

MID # 8401800374
Alternate Name ARCH
Classification Historical Societies, Historic Preservation, , Midwest
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) 351367895
Tax period of the latest return filed (YYYYMM) 201206
INCOME 211,308
REVENUE 206,532
LAT/LONG 41.079492, -85.134671
CODES FIPS State Code: 18
FIPS County Code: 003
US Census Tract: 001300
US Census Block: 2009